Ending the Great Food Debate

Briton Ryle

Posted January 22, 2018

The great food debate has been plaguing our nation for far too long.

We really shouldn’t have to worry about what’s in our food and whether or not it will eventually kill us.

I’m not exaggerating.

For those of you who do not know, GMO crops have had their DNA artificially altered, which is a process that would not happen in nature. This is done by introducing genes from a completely different species in order to boost the plant’s resistance to chemicals or to achieve some other desired effect.

Genetically modified foods are cheaper and more widely available than their naturally sourced counterparts.

But recent studies have shown that the pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides used to protect GMO crops, mainly supplied by the notorious Monsanto, are one of the leading causes of cancer and other ailments in this country.

And it’s reaching a fever pitch of epidemic proportions.

On the other hand, organically grown foods are nutritionally sound and a safer alternative, but they are often much more costly to buy.

What most people don’t realize is that Monsanto is killing its consumers and beggaring its farmers in order to gain power.

For years, Monsanto has been fighting to gain seed control of the entire agricultural world by spreading its Roundup-resistant crops around the world, with the help of the United States government.

But the global resistance against genetically modified crops is growing at an exponential rate.

There is far greater opposition from the rest of the world than in the U.S. Many countries are not only labeling foods containing GMOs but even banning their cultivation altogether.

Since 2015, nearly 40 countries across the European Union have banned genetically modified crops on the government level, with the backing of the country’s scientists, doctors, and environmental agencies.

The 2015 ban was especially aimed at Monsanto’s corn MON 810, but since then, many more crops have been added to that list.

Most recently, scientists and researchers are presenting information that has 19 new countries joining an already long list of nations to completely ban or have severe restrictions on GMOs — and the pesticides that go with them.

Monsanto has long claimed that “science” is on its side, as if the GMO-free and organic movements are stocked with uneducated zealots — but that couldn’t be father from the truth.

Back in 1996, long before this issue was brought to the public eye, renowned biologist and anthropologist Dame Jane Goodall, alongside public interest attorney Steven M. Druker, began doing things very few people were doing at the time: learning the facts about the massive venture to restructure the genetic core of the world’s food supply. As Druker wrote in his book Altered Genes, Twisted Truth:

As part of the process, they [Monsanto] portrayed the various concerns as merely the ignorant opinions if misinformed individuals – and derided them as not only unscientific, but anti-science. They set to work to convince the public and government official, through the dissemination of false information, that there was an overwhelming expert consensus, based on solid evidence, that GMOs were safe.

However, Monsanto has little to no evidence at all to support its claims. Actually, most of its studies have been abandoned because obtained data started to prove the exact opposite.

So why is the United States accepting this practice with open arms?

The FDA and World Health Organization have claimed that GMOs are not much different than regular foods and are therefore harmless.

But what most people don’t realize is that we’ve been unknowingly subjected to being part of a massive, poorly regulated experiment because large corporations like Monsanto can slip genetically modified organisms into our food without us even knowing.

Seems highly unethical, right?

The problem of unawareness still exists today, but the truth behind the world’s food supply is becoming more and more transparent every day.

Making the Best of Both Worlds

What if there was a way to genetically enhance a plant’s innate abilities to withstand just about anything without introducing highly controversial genetic material from outside species?

This new revolutionary practice of gene editing is going to make Monsanto obsolete.

It’s completely redefining the idea of GMOs by keeping our food sources safe and nutritionally sound, ending the great food debate once and for all.

In fact, this technology has what it takes to produce more nutritionally dense superfoods unlike anything we’ve ever seen or tasted before.

Harmful carcinogenic chemicals, like those in Monsanto’s Roundup, will no longer be needed, as the crop’s own defense mechanisms have been naturally enhanced with just a little help from scientists.

It’s merely intensifying those genetic traits already bestowed by mother nature, not completely dismantling and reconstructing a plant’s DNA as seen with current GMOs.

This revolutionary gene-editing platform is taking the entire agro-science community by storm. With extreme precision, it allows us to:

  • Delete undesirable genes
  • Add desirable genes
  • Reactivate dead genes
  • Adjust the activity level of already present genes

By safely manipulating the very underpinnings of biology, this technology is poised to touch virtually every industry imaginable: human health, drug development, agriculture, energy and biofuels, and advanced materials.

It doesn’t stop with the food supply.

Imagine a world without any genetic diseases. Imagine a world without food shortages, malnourishment, or famine.

Imagine potatoes that could safely last for months on end without spoiling and without the use of dangerous preservatives. Imagine high-fiber wheat without any gluten and oils without any harmful saturated fats.

With a plethora of commercial applications like these soon approaching, investors would be wise to start paying attention to the genetic-engineering industry sooner rather than later.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Death to the “World’s Most Evil Company”

The infamous agrochemical giant earned this dubious designation in a 2013 poll from Natural News.

It’s high time Monsanto was dethroned, and it’s about to run into competition strong enough to take it down for good.

Over the past three years, a number of companies using variations of this gene-editing technology platform have been popping up all over the public markets.

Unfortunately, they’ve been severely overshadowed. But I assure you we’ll be hearing more about them in the coming months.

As the mainstream begins to catch on, there is one tiny company that is set to come out on top. It has the technology to render Monsanto’s GMOs obsolete and create advanced seeds for a new age of farming.

We’re talking about high crop yields, without the use of poisonous chemicals, that are both cheaper to produce and jam-packed with nutritional benefits.

It’s going to benefit consumers and farmers alike. My colleague, Jason Stutman, has complied an entire presentation on the tiny agricultural biotech behind the technology. You can access that here.

This is great news for you: You’ll actually have the opportunity to make money while supporting Monsanto’s downfall.

But you’ll want to take advantage of this opportunity before everyone else jumps in.

Until next time,

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Briton Ryle

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A 21-year veteran of the newsletter business, Briton Ryle is the editor of The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter, with a focus on top-quality dividend growth stocks and REITs. Briton also manages the Real Income Trader advisory service, where his readers take regular cash payouts using a low-risk covered call option strategy. He is also the managing editor of the Wealth Daily e-letter. To learn more about Briton, click here.

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